
When does orders get shipped with tracking numbers?

Please allow our staff 1-3 business days to process and ship your purchase after you place it, excluding weekends. We make every effort to ship normal orders as quickly as possible.

How do pre orders work? 

If you pre-ordered an item, please keep in mind that all pre-orders are custom created and have a processing period of 1-3 weeks.


Tracking Numbers

After placing an order, tracking numbers and an order confirmation will be available and emailed to the email address on file.

All orders are shipped via USPS/UPS and typically arrive within 3-5 business days, depending on location and state.

*Please note*

Please keep in mind that once we ship your box, we are not liable for UPS/USPS deliveries; all issues with UPS/USPS must be handled with UPS/USPS because we are not a shipping carrier. If a package is lost, the shipping company is responsible for filing a claim and locating the goods.

If you do not accept your package and it is returned to the sender (JustCauseStudios), you must pay Reshipping fees to have the box returned to you via your preferred shipping carrier.